“Looking inward is the key to progress. When you begin looking in, look out.”
— Swami Beyondananda
Have you ever found yourself thinking, “Is what I’m doing really fulfilling me?” (If you’re asking, it’s probably a hint that it’s not.) I have often found myself working at jobs that, while I was qualified for and was good at, were not really on purpose. At least not at first glance, anyway.
These situations can provide the opportunity for great growth (and sometimes new direction) if you allow it. When folks look at my resume they think “eclectic, diverse, and talented.” Never do they think, “Stable.” I have worked in leadership positions in several different industries, from hospitality, higher education, on-line discount retail and management training. Not all were a great fit, but with each I’ve brought my full attention and ambition opportunity so I could grow professionally as much as possible.
If someone from the outside was looking at your path and accomplishments what would they notice that you might not?
Make Every Day a Learning Experience
Whether those positions were in tech-support, graphic design or customer service, I’ve taken away valuable skills and found the knowledge is applicable in ways I’d never expect. Always I’m looking to add to my skillset and benefit from the experience. Like how to interact in difficult situations or how to network computers.
What off-beat habits and abilities have you developed? You may think they are random or un-useful, but maybe that’s not true.
I’ve worked in various types of hotels and learned from the ground up. I’ve then tested ideas from one property to another, one market to another. Each one was a new adventure in both learning and experimenting.
You never know what skills you will find useful as your life moves you forward.
I’ve noticed that as our purpose becomes more clear, the skills we develop in these supposedly “off-purpose” positions are actually quite on-purpose.
What’s a skill or talent you are currently honing, whether you want to or not? How might that fit into the larger picture of the purpose that’s unfolding for you?
Just a few days left in our crowd funding campaign!